The creation of the World, the great flood, the plagues of Egypt, the walls of Jericho, the splitting of the red sea, fire from heaven, Sodom and Gomorrah, the standing still of the sun, YAHUSHUA feeding five thousand, healing the ill, raising the dead and many, many, many more. These miracles and wonders where witnessed by man and beasts.
No doubt, signs are miracles also happen today, but what do you think? Is it easier to follow God now, in modern times – or was it easier to follow Him in times of old? Why?
1) What do you THINK and WHY?
Post your thoughts in the comment section at the bottom of this page. Your answers will appear below.
Intersting. I believe, the modern days are not fitted for the generation due to the restrictions ,by the government, of God matter study. So I believe old days are easier to follow God. Well not old days but if u go to some others 3 world Christian country the traditions of holding the practice is still there.
From my perspective, it should be easier following God in modern days as compared to days of the old. The life of early preachers revealed that they were greatly despised because they chose to follow God. Elijah was sought to be killed, Stephen was stoned to death, peter dragged through the streets and even Jesus Christ was crucified. Modern world is filled with so much freedom of religion yet, humans are making religion seem difficult with our own thoughts and actions. Christ died to make things easier. In the old, people died when they disobeyed God yet we still live in our iniquities. How easy it is for us yet we don’t recognize.
I guess its pretty much the same because grace has always abound. The more man is exposed to sin the more God releases more grace.on the contrary I think there is more exposure now than it was in those days of things going on now. Like the bible said in Ecclesiastes there is nothing new under the sun. Things are just made known and exposed quicker now. Be blessed.
Thou I was not there to experience the ancient times; I believe that regardless of the time period you are in, if your are willing to follow Christ you will. No matter the circumstances. There are hardships with anything and everything you do. But as long as you remain faithful and believe with your body, mind, and soul you will be able to prosper.
I think it is not less easy to follow God now compared to back then because it is still the same sun we live under and God is still the same God and requires the same faith from each of us so the reality of life and that we must fear the LORD even in these days.
That being said, I think it could be easier in a sense today in terms of the technology we have and how it helps us navigate scripture. for example, there is a website called and you can look up any bile verse if you have the book name and chapter and verse number or you could look up the whole verse to a passage if you enter in a fragment of the verse….and if you use the search tool it will give you a list of bible verse with those words you entered….so for example if I was looking for john 3:16, but I forgot the entirety of the verse I could look up, “God so loved the world” and it would help me find the rest of the passage.
Technology makes the availability of scripture more available to everyone who has the internet…also education in how to read and write and use a computer and search the web is a good modern skill that people in ancient times didn’t have. But that being said, technology is helpful but if the individual does not have a love for God, all the ease of technology that helps Christians study the bible (on phones and tablets with apps etc) is of no effect since they do not want to study scripture or seek God.
How can we solve this? by explaining the message of the Gospel to lost folk in ways that will be of most clarity to each person, for example, a christian with mental illness would be a better missionary in the field of psychology to help shed light on mental illness and the truth of Jesus Christ and minister to people suffering with mental illness who would receive Christ and be converted and learn to walk with God as a person with mental illness.
Just wanted to add one thing. During Passover, one of the things done is to boil and egg. And this thing is done symbolically.
Everything placed in boiling water becomes soft – except for an egg. Rather than dissolving, and egg actually hardens under heat. This represents the children of Israel in Egypt, rather than dissolving, and growing weaker under persecution and slavery they rather increased and waxed mightier. This is why evil Pharaoh commanded all the first born to be killed, Israel was just multiplying too much – even tho they where slaves!
What I’m I saying? God’s true people will follow Him no matter what. If it be easy to follow then Praise YAH, they will follow. If it be hard then Praise the Lord the more for we are Blessed when Persecuted for His name sake!