If you own a Bible then chances are that It’s either the King James Version, or the New International Version. Personally, I’ve own both of these Bibles. Initially, I understood that the New International Version of the Bible is simply easier to understand, a simplified version of the King James. This is True.
I was in the middle of bible studies with a friend and noticed that in critical parts of the Bible, whenever he read his version, the meaning was somewhat altered, his Bible would support the point that his Christian division believed in. These difference made me realize that these many translations of the Bible may translate to to match a certain belief.
I wanted to understand which Bible version is truly the Word Of God. Whenever we search for the truth God will help us to find it, with my search this is what He showed me.
Greater Understanding of Scriptures

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Most English Holy Bibles I’ve read do a fine job in conveying the message of Truth. It may not be presented in the original text (Hebrew/Aramaic), but the message is easily visible. You can read most Bibles and understand GOD’s plan and how it all fits together.
Yet to truly understand The Bible and uncover greater Revelations, we study from the Hebrew and Aramaic translations. Most, including myself can’t read Hebrew, that’s fine. I’ll provide you with the tools to effectively study the Hebrew and KJV translations in the next 3 minutes.
Scripture4All: Reading the Hebrew manuscripts will often give you new insight and understanding of YAH’s Word. Often times you’ll read the Hebrew and have a question, this question will lead you to study which will reult in greater understanding and knowledge of YAHUVEH Elohim’s written Word.
King James Version: The King James version is what I read most. The text is rich, and in my opinion, it illustrates the message very powerfully.
New International Version: The NIV version is great. Many times I won’t be exactly sure what the KJV is saying, in which I’ll turn to the NIV to get a more simpler definition of the verse or passage. Often times, by comparing the two versions I will understand what is being said.
Studying GOD’s Word from one book is often hard to do. We live in different eras, originate from different cultures, and speak different tongues from those who where used to write the Bible. As such reading what was written in the original text, though good, does not fully benefit our understanding. The Hebrew is the original text, KJV helps us understand the Hebrew text and the NIV helps us understand the KJV text. It’s important to always compare these translations and ask GOD for wisdom when studying.
If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering…James 1:5-6 KJV
Quick Bible Studies Using Hebrew and KJV
We’ll just look at one passage: Genesis 1:1.
The Hebrew text tells us what we all know. In the Beginning, God created the heavens and Earth. Yet it uses another word in place of ‘God’, Elohim. Elohim, or El is the Hebrew word for God.
Let’s look at this word, Elohim. You may have also heard of El-Shaddai (The God who suffices or provides – Genesis 17:1/Genesis 35:11 Hebrew Text). GOD revealed himself in this name when promising Abraham that He would make him exceedingly fruitful and cause kings and nations to come from him. The name El-Shaddai emphasizes the fact that there is nothing that GOD cannot provide. He feeds his children with bread from heaven, quail when ahungered, and provides water even in the desert from a hard dry rock.
In Genesis 35:11, we understand that Jacob is no longer known as Jacob, but rather ‘Israel’. Again, we see the word ‘El’. So what does Israel mean? Genesis 32:28 – Hebrew Text. ‘Upright With God and man, to prevail’.
Other names that End with ‘El’.
- MichaEL – Who is like GOD?
- GabriEL – Strong Man of GOD.
It is not a coincidence that the name of the few Angels we know ends with ‘El’.
- SamuEL – GOD Hears.
- DaniEL – GOD is My Judge.
- EzekiEL – GOD Strengthens.
- ELi-JAH – My God Is YAHUVEH. YAHUSHUA spoke similar words in Matt 27:46.
- ImmanuEL – GOD is with Us. Isaiah 7:14.
The list goes on and on. The names above are a few – I’m sure you can think of a few more.
By looking at Genesis 1:1 in the Hebrew text, we have better understanding of the Hebrew word ‘Elohim,’ along with all other times it appears in scripture. The Holy Bible is not only to be read, but studied. Read and compare the Hebrew text, the King James, and the New International Version. Ask GOD for wisdom and he will open your eyes to hidden truths.
Good job on this post. Might I comment that from what I heard that the new testament was written in Greek? I think this is significant as greek is not a jewish language but the language of gentiles. this implies, at least in my understanding, that the new testament would be a good place to start reading the bible, if you are non jewish and unfamiliar with scripture, get familiar with the gospels and then go back into the old testament and see the shadow of Christ there. Correct me if I’m wrong though.
Hello Nick, I agree. The Gospels are the first places to read. YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) is at the center of all Scripture, the very Word made flesh.
The New Testament was written in Greek, you’ll notice that in the Interlinear Bible that I linked to, the New Testament is in Greek and then translated to English.