First Peter 1 – Even in Tribulation, Hold on To Your Faith, Be Conformed into the Image of YAHUSHUA the Messiah.

Even through temptations and trials, believers are to remember that we are waiting for an incorruptible inheritance, the the Kingdom of Heaven. Our present sufferings cannot be compared to the joy, peace, and glory that YAHUVEH has prepared for those who love him. Just as YAHUSHUA suffered and now sits at the Right hand of Abba YAHUVEH, believers will also have continual fellowship with Almighty GOD. What is 80 years on Earth compared to eternity in Heaven?

First Peter is addressed to believers and the Elect who where scattered abroad. It’s very important to note that he gives the Characteristics of the Elect. They are elect according to the foreknowledge of YAHUVEH Elohim, through the sanctification of the RUACH ha KODESH, through obedience, and by the Blood of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Verse 1.

The elect of YAHUVEH God are not predestined, GOD foreknows those who will be sanctified through the RUACH Ha KODESH, those who will obey, and allow the Blood of YAHUSHUA to wash them Mind, Body, Spirit, and Soul. “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.” 1 Samuel 15:22.

We stand in YAHUSHUA by the Power of GOD, the RUACH ha KODESH – our IMMA SHKHINYAH Glory. YAHUVEH sent His Spirit unto us that we may stand in the faith and preach the Word. There will be seasons of trials, sufferings, and temptations, yet such testing of our faith makes it more precious than gold. The result of Faith in YAHUVEH’s Word is salvation. Everything in this earth shall pass away, but the Words of GOD almighty will never pass. Holding on to his Words is like holding on to the ground when a great wind is blowing. Everything around you may lose it’s place, fall, stumble, be uprooted, yet you will stand because you held on to the unwavering Word of GOD. Even if Heaven and Earth shall pass away, what GOD has spoken will forever stand.

Vs 11. The Prophets of old who received Revelations of YAHUSHUA, his sufferings, and resurrection received not these revelation for themselves only, but for the generations that would follow. Likewise, when a believer receives revelation, or word of knowledge, it is not only for that individual but for the entire Church.

The Apostle Peter in verse 13:“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;” In other Words, make up your mind that you will follow YAHUSHUA all the days of your life. The enemy will often attack a believer’s mind, the intent is to cause him/her to doubt.

But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 1:6-8.

Doubt will cause a believer to consider returning to his or her past life. Doubt will cause a believer to be lukewarm. This is of the devil. We are to pursue to high calling, being conformed into the image of YAHUVEH’s only begotten son – King YAHUSHUA. We are to continue in holiness, doing our best to please YAHUSHUA in all aspects of life, from our speech to our clothing. We are to be Holy, as YAHUVEH is HOLY!

As a child from a third world country who has been sent to a U.S University with every penny that the parents ever saved up. So did Father YAHUVEH redeem you and I from this world, yet it was not by perishable items such as money, gold, or silver, but by the perfect, sinless blood of His only Begotten Son – YAHUSHUA the Messiah. As such on this earth we are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). We are not to partake in the sinful pleasures of this world, neither are we to loose focus of our job and mission. The price that was paid for our soul, for the price of our freedom is too high to mingle once again with what we were separated from (the bondage of sin).

We believe and know that YAHUSHUA is the Messiah of the world, the very Son, and Word of YAHUVEH Elohim. Just as YAHUSHUA died and YAHUVEH rose him from the dead, we also believe and know that He will also raise us from death into eternal glory. For this cause, through believing YAHUSHUA we believe YAHUVEH himself. Through accepting the Word, we believe the one who sent His Word. We are Born again by incorruptibility, by the Spirit and Word of GOD, if we Hold fast the Word of GOD, and allow his Spirit to remain us, then surely where YAHUSHUA is there we will also be.

Image Source: Flickr CC Waiting For The Word

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The below are all sources that add to the meaning of this post. I encourage you to visit them all and soak up the Good Word of God.

1 – 1 Peter 5 – Hold On To Your Faith, Even During Persecution.

NEXT IN THE BIBLE PROJECT: 1 Peter 2 – A Chosen Generation, A Royal Priesthood. That Is how God Sees You.


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