
Pentecostal Messianic Jewish believers in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ)

Welcome to the Godly Way. We are Pentecostal Messianic Jewish believers in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ). The end times are upon us as Father YAHUVEH (Jehovah) has Spoken. We strive to live Holy each day, being pleasing unto our Heavenly Father and our Soon coming Bridegroom, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. As the parable that YAHUSHUA Messiah gave in Matthew 25, we strive to be as the five wise virgins. The Lord YAHUSHUA is coming soon, He is even at the door – HE is not coming for those who pretend Holiness or those who live as the world.

YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is coming for His Bride, those without spot or wrinkle (Ephesians 5:27)! His elect and chosen ones. “For I am the LORD your God: ye shall therefore sanctify yourselves, and ye shall be holy; for I am holy:…” Leviticus 11:44.

Through YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, we are marching as soldiers, pressing on to the High Calling. No backing down, children and warriors of YAHUVEH Elohim doing His will on earth, without compromise, with worship, love, and obedience unto YAHUVEH GOD. Amen, Amen, and Amen!

As you read through the content on The Godly Way, you’ll often find us referring to The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, and SHKHINYAH/RUACH ha KODESH. These are the true Hebrew names of GOD. More on This Subject here.

The Lord YAHUSHUA is coming soon, His people must ready themselves for His coming. YAHUSHUA will come as a thief in the night, but only for those who are not expecting Him. Noah was told to build an ark for the coming days of doom, so are the days that we are in now – this is the day of salvation, now is the time to draw nigh unto GOD. Father YAHUVEH GOD is calling His people to draw close to Him and to walk in Holiness and Obedience.

This is the time to allow the Word of YAHUVEH to frame our lives. None of this is done by our strength, but by the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit). Ours is to repent from all sin, pull away from sin and drawer closer unto YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you… James 4:7-8.

This is the message and purpose of The Godly Way. We invite you to engage in the community. Add comments, words of wisdom, insight, and questions. And once again, Welcome to The Godly Way | High Calling Through YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

START HERE: The Bible Project.